jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017

Our film

Elya's Adventure

In our group, the team work was very difficult to organize, so we had a lot of problems. All discussions were caused by the diffrent opinions of each one and the insults that occurred. 
The team work was the worst thing in the group, there was no synchronization, and all the members, criticized all the ideas of the companions. 

The result was very good (better than expected), I thought that the film was going to be worst. But we could solve some of the problems at last time, with a help of Neus Oliver, Nadal and María Antònia.

The animation was the lnger part of all the film. To make it complete, more than 10 hours were used, (5 hours every day). We had a problem with the scratch: when  (I was recording the screen, the browser shut down by a "crash" and all the animation was lost, so I done it all 2 times.

The edition was very simple, it tooks more or less 2 hours and 30 minutes.

I think that we can do it better if any one makes trouble. 
We could improve the audio and the quality of the film if we use a better camera.

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